Professional Schooling of Horses
Email :
Telephone : 07788 594051


Paul Langford Equestrian Services

I offer a personalised service, catering for all levels of ability. Being freelance, I am able to offer schooling and tuition for you and your horse without the hassle of transporting your horse to a different yard, or travelling for tuition.

Services Offered

  • Schooling / Re-Schooling of Horses
  • Freelance, Individual Tuition
  • Lecturing
  • Clinics
  • Competition Preparation & Riding
  • Freelance Riding / Exercising / Training

Programmes and sessions are personalised to suit you and your horse, the way of learning and the goals to be achieved. I want to get the best out of my horses and my clients, and this takes hard work, but also patience and an understanding of where both horse and rider are coming from. For more information on any of the services available, or if there are other areas or services you wish me to help with, please don’t hesitate to contact me here...

Images from the Gallery

